Look Up in Context for iOS/macOS

Look up a word in a sentence

– for serious foreign language reading situation.

What does Context do?

Ask AI what a word in a sentence means.

Why Context instead of just asking the AI?

Context makes this process easier for you.

  1. Copy the sentence
  2. Select the words
  3. Let ChatGPT explain it

See screenshots in App Store.

Download on the App Store

Why ask the AI?

I often come across that I recognize a word, but can’t make sense of it in a sentence. Some of this is due to specialized background, and some of it is because I just can’t feel it. All I need is a little hint. AI is perfect for giving such hints, and Context makes it easier to ask.

It just works

with the features you expect,

It’s not free

I don’t want to trick you into using this App by not telling you it’s paid until the last minute.

You get a free trial of 100 times lookup, after which you must pay $0.99 or $2.49 per month. This is because Context uses ChatGPT and cloud computing services, which incur costs.

However, it’s a small app so why not give it a try.

Live slowly

Read seriously, review easily, and live slowly.

  1. A few other apps/features that don’t seem interesting at first, but turn out to be great when you use them: Due, PopClip, GoodLinks and its random link widget. [return]